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Office of Tax and Revenue

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Office of Tax and Revenue

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Real Property Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Program

The District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue's (OTR) Real Property Assessment Division, Maps and Title GIS program, in coordination with OCTO, provides real property mapping applications, services, and *data to property owners, the public, and government agencies. These mapping applications serve as location awareness platforms and visual perspectives for DC real property, and collaboration tools for government and citizens.

GIS and Mapping, Data, and Standard Address Applications

  • Real Property Assessment Map Search: Search and view DC real property and assessment information by Property ID (Square Suffix Lot), Address, Assessment Area Number, Assessment Sub-area, DCRA permits, and DC Wards.
  • DC Open Data: Find, download, build and add to applications, and analyze hundreds of GIS Mapping layers and datasets, shared by many DC government agencies.
  • Master Address Repository: A standardized, searchable database of addresses and other identified locations in DC.

GIS and Mapping, and Other Services

  • Request and Pay for Radius Maps and Tax Maps: This MyTaxDC fee service provides a map of a subject property or properties and properties within 200 feet (or other specified distance), and a list of property owners and mailing addresses within 200 feet (or other specified distance) of the subject property. This service satisfies the following Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) case types: Variance, Special Exception, and Modification of Significance. Tax maps are also available for a separate fee.
  • Submit A Combination or Division of Lots Application: Use this application when proposed lots do not meet DCRA Office of the Surveyor Subdivision Plat Record Lot guidelines. This service creates Assessment and Taxation (A&T) Lots that, when all criteria is met, will become active in the next half tax year.

Information and Data Disclaimer

  • GIS Glossary - Definitions and explanation of GIS and mapping terminology.
  • Interagency Data Team - The DC Office of Tax and Revenue's Real Property Tax Administration's GIS Program creates and provides authoritative real property *data directly to the Interagency data team for 
    use in public and private facing maps and applications.
  • *Data Disclaimer: This public data and information are provided by the District of Columbia, and the data and information are accepted and used by the recipient with the understanding that the data and information were developed and collected for real property assessment purposes only. No liability is assumed with the use of the data or information or with their accuracy, sufficiency or suitability for any use whatsoever outside the originally intended purpose exclusively for and by the District’s Office of Tax and Revenue.