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Office of Tax and Revenue

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Your Appeal Rights

Property owners, a duly authorized agent of a property owner, or those with an interest in a property (such as a lessee) have the right to appeal an assessment. If you want to appeal the Assessment Division's estimate of market value, you have several opportunities, but you must begin the appeal process at the first level of appeal. 

New owners of real property may, under most circumstances, file a petition for an administrative review. For more information, please contact the Assessment Division. Be sure to include the Square, Suffix, and Lot (SSL), and the date of purchase, of your property.

Each property owner is entitled, at no charge, to a copy of their property worksheet and a sales list for the area where the property is located. Information regarding other properties in the relevant area may be available; however, the DC Code requires the assessor to keep certain information confidential. Requests for information regarding other properties may be granted, but fees will be charged in accordance with a schedule available upon request from the Assessment Division.

Appeal Process 

First Level:
Assessor Level The assessor assigned to a property will discuss the basis of the assessment. You may present relevant information regarding your assessment. Please note that a successful appeal requires meaningful and accurate supporting information. Simply offering an opinion with no factual basis will probably not result in a reduced assessment. The appeal may be conducted in-person, by telephone or in writing. Specific instructions for filing the first level appeal may be found on the assessment appeal application.

Second Level:
If the appraiser and the property owner, or party of interest, do not agree with the final proposed value following the administrative appeal, the property owner may proceed to the Real Property Tax Appeals Commission (RPTAC). You must complete an appeal form and submit it to RPTAC no later than 45 days from the date of your administrative appeal decision notice. RPTAC forms can be obtained by visiting For further information you may call RPTAC at (202) 727-6860. RPTAC will not accept an appeal unless an administrative appeal was filed with the Real Property Assessment Division.

Third Level:
If you are not satisfied with the RPTAC decision, you may appeal to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.