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Office of Tax and Revenue

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Real Property Assessments and Appeals FAQs

What is a property assessment? What is market value?
An assessment is the estimated market value of your property. Market value is the most probable price for which you can sell your property given normal terms and conditions of sale. For more information, visit the Assessment Process section.

Is this assessment a tax?
No. The assessment notice is the estimated market value of your property. It is the basis for the calculation of your tax bill. The Council of the District of Columbia annually sets the rate of taxation for each class of property. Taxes are calculated by multiplying the tax rate times the assessed value.

How often is my property reassessed?
The District of Columbia currently uses an annual assessment cycle. This means that all real property may be valued for property tax purposes annually. Property owners are notified of any change in their assessment. For more information, visit the Assessment Process section.

What phone number can I call to speak to my assessor?
The phone number is listed on your assessment notice, or you may call the Customer Service Center at (202) 727-4TAX.

What can I do if I believe my assessment is incorrect?
You should file an appeal immediately. Your appeal must be filed on or before April 1st. If April 1st falls on a weekend, then the deadline is the next business day. For more information, visit Real Property Assessment Appeals.

When should I file my appeal?
If you decide to appeal, please file immediately. This will provide the Assessment Administration time to properly investigate your case. However, your appeal must be filed on or before April 1st. If April 1st falls on a weekend, then the deadline is the next business day.

Who should I address questions to regarding my assessment?
You should contact the Office of Tax and Revenue at (202) 727-4TAX. If you contact the Office of the Chief Financial Officer or a member of the DC Council or anyone outside of the Office of Tax and Revenue, your inquiry will be referred to the Office of Tax and Revenue. By contacting the Office of Tax and Revenue first, you will expedite resolution of your issue.

Can I appoint an agent to represent me in an appeal?
Yes. However, the Assessment Administration requires a signed statement of agency. For real property forms, visit the Tax Forms/Publications section.

How can I be certain my concerns will be addressed?
If you do not believe an assessor assigned to your property has given your arguments adequate consideration, ask to speak with their supervisor. It is the policy of the Assessment Administration to carefully consider all property owner concerns.