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Office of Tax and Revenue

DC Agency Top Menu

Important changes to DC tax laws are happening October 1, learn more about the upcoming tax changes.
In-person appointments for OTR’s Walk-In Center and the Recorder of Deeds Office can be made here.
Certificate of Clean Hands: Obtaining a Certificate of Clean Hands is a simple process by visiting

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Agency Directory

Customer Service Center Address:
1101 4th Street, SW, Suite W270
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 727-4TAX (4829)
Administration Phone Number Fax Number
Customer Service Center (202) 727- 4TAX (4829) (202) 442-6890
Compliance Administration
Audit Division
Collections Division

(202) 442-6854
(202) 727-4TAX or 724-5045
(202) 442-6883
(202) 442-6885
Communications/Media Inquiries  (202) 442-8072 (202) 442-6477
Customer Service Administration (202) 442-6700 (202) 442-6304
Director's Office (202) 442-6200 (202) 442-6477
Office of the General Counsel (202) 442-6500 (202) 442-6479
Office of Taxpayer Advocate (202) 442-6348 (202) 478-5731
Real Property Tax Administration
Assessment Division
Assessment Services Division
Recorder of Deeds
(202) 442-6760
(202) 442-6685
(202) 727-5374
(202) 442-6796
(202) 478-5995
(202) 727-9629
Tax Fraud Hotline 1(800) 380-3495 (202) 442-6888
Tax Practitioner Hotline (202) 727-1435 (202) 442-6304