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Office of Tax and Revenue

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Register now for OTR's free tax filing and real property webinars to get expert guidance on the 2025 tax filing season and recent property changes—Sign up today!

Important changes to DC tax laws are happening October 1, learn more about the upcoming tax changes.
In-person appointments for OTR’s Walk-In Center and the Recorder of Deeds Office can be made here.
Certificate of Clean Hands: Obtaining a Certificate of Clean Hands is a simple process by visiting

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OTR Held Virtual Annual Tax Practitioners Institute Workshop on January 11, 2024

The Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) would like to thank everyone for participating in the annual Tax Practitioners Institute on Thursday, January 11, 2024.

During this session, OTR provided tax preparers with a comprehensive presentation, with several speakers and an advance look at what’s new for the tax-filing season and for the new tax year. Please feel free to download and review the presentations below.

After reviewing the presentations, if you have questions that you would like addressed please email them to: [email protected]

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1101 4th Street, SW

GIS Address: 
1101 4th Street, SW